Young & May Brewery

It is indeed very unfortunate; but the evil will be soon in a measure obviated, as we are to have two large breweries put up this summer. Messrs Young & May intend putting up a building soon for this purpose, two and one half stories high, and fifty feet long. Joseph Fritz is also preparing to build, for the manufacture of the delicious beverage, and intends making an article that will please the tastes of the most fastidious of his customers. (Valley Herald, Saturday, April 14, 1866, Page 1)

The Brewery of Messrs. Young & (Charles) May, is up and enclosed, and they are daily expecting the arrival of the Machinery, necessary for the manufacture of beer. Fritz & Co., are also far advanced with their brewery. It is needless for us to add that with the addition of the above breweries to those already in full blast, will enable the retail dealers to keep supplied with beer, fully as good and at a less cost than St. Paul manufacture. (Valley Herald, Saturday, July 21, 1866, Page 1)

Number of Buildings Erected in Chaska in the year 1866 and Cost of the same. …Two Breweries $6,000… (Valley Herald, Saturday, March 9, 1867, Page 1)

Henry Young has purchased Mr. Sauerbrys interest in the brewery situated on the Yorkville road, and will hereafter carry on the brewing business with his brother Christian Young, who will have immediate charge. (Valley Herald, Saturday, August 7, 1868, Page 1)

Mr. Peter Iltis our goahead townsman has fitted up the brewery formerly owned by Mr. Young, and now is going to furnish good beer to the thirsty. Having secured the services of Mr. J. Heimberger, who understands his business, we believe the undertaking a success(.) (The Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, October 16, 1873, Page 1)

Peter Iltis has now in full operation his new brewery, and is turning out that harmless beverage in a manner that means business. Nothing of the kind manufactured this side of Milwaukee to excell (excel) it. (The Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, March 12, 1874, Page 4)

Peter Iltis is making extensive improvements in his brewery. He has not in course of construction, and nearly completed, the largest malt kin (kiln) in the Minnesota Valley. He is also about to build a beer cellar near the junction of the Laketown, Waconia and Chaska roads. The cellar will extend one hundred feet into the bluff, and be capable of holding, when completed, twelve hundred bbls. of beer. (The Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, August 20, 1874, Page 4)

Peter Iltis has purchased the beer cellar of Ludwig & Nagel and will fill it with beer the coming winter. Peter says that he intends to supply Chaska with beer next summer. It is a rather large undertaking, but he in generally as good as his word, and knows no such word as fail. (The Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, September 24, 1874, Page 4)

The brewery heretofore owned by Nogel & Ludwig was sold at auction on Tuesday last. Peter Iltis was the largest purchaser of personal property. (The Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, November 19, 1874, Page 4)

Peter Iltis’ Brewery is one of the institutions of Chaska, and is one of the best in the Minnesota Valley. He is continually making improvements, and now has the most convenient one in the state, as to the ability of his Brewer, the beer now being made is the best recommendation. Especially noticable (noticeable) is the “new beer” cellar and the malt dryer, which Mr. Iltis has recently completed, which will compare favorably with any in the state. He has also just completed a splendid lager beer cellar in the bluffs just out of town and now has it nearly full of beer, which will be ready for the market as soon as required by the warm weather. Saloon keepers do’nt (don’t) go away from home to buy your lager beer for Pete can furnish the very best. (The Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, March 25, 1875, Page 4)

Quite an amount of new barley has already been threshed and marketed. Peter Iltis, one of our enterprising brewers, has up to date bought 500 bushel of the new crop, paying from 80 to 90 cents per bushel for the same. We understand that the other brewers have also purchased of the new crop, paying the same price. (The Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, August 12, 1875, Page 4)

Peter Iltis will soon have his new beer ready for market, this beer is made by the new process and is No. 1. Mr. Iltis is about to build an addition to his brewery 20 x 60 feet and to have a cellar the same size, which will make it one of the first class breweries in the state. (The Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, August 26, 1875, Page 4)

Peter Iltis, the irrepressible, has just completed a very large ice house building over his beer cellar adjoining his brewery. Peter is bound to keep up with the times. (The Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, November 25, 1875, Page 4)

Brewery Building. Peter Iltis is building a large addition to his brewery. The upper part of the main building will be occupied by the brewer and family. Peter is bound to have a first class brewery before he gets through. (The Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, November 23, 1876, Page 4)

Peter Iltis, Esq., proprietor of the “Union Brewery,” in this city, has rented that well known property to George Karcher, a practical brewer, for the term of five years. Mr. Karcher will take immediate possession and says he will soon furnish his patrons an extra quality of beer. (The Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, August 1, 1878, Page 4)

To My Customers. Having disposed of my Brewery and retired from that branch of my business, I take this occasion to return my thanks to all my old customers and friends for the generous patronage accorded me in the past and respectfully ask a continuance of the same to my successor in the brewing business Mr. Goorge (George) Karcher, who has this day taken full possession. Chaska, Aug 7th 1878. Peter Iltis. (The Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, August 8, 1878, Page 4)

All persons having beer kegs with my name marked thereon, or with the brand of the Union Brewry (Brewery) Chaska, are hereby notified to return the same at once, or I shall be compelled to put them to trouble and expense, Chaska, Aug. 7th 1878. Peter Iltis. (The Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, August 8, 1878, Page 4)

George Karcher, lessee of the Union Brewery of this city, has been compelled by his increasing business, to add an engine to the motive power of his establishment. He recently purchased a six horse power engine and an improved pump in St. Paul, and will at once erect an addition to the Brewery building for an engine room 16 x 16. George is a first class Brewer and intends hereafter to make as good beer as is manufactured in the State. (The Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, August 5, 1880, Page 4)

Peter Iltis and John Shavey will take charge of the Union Brewery next week, Mr. Geo. Karcher retiring. Messrs Iltis & Shavey will put the building into thorough repair adding such new machinery as they deem necessary to make a first class article of Milwaukee beer. They have also secured the service of a first class brewer, and we may soon expect a superior article of beer. (The Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, August 30, 1883, Page 4)

Mr Iltis informs us that he has rented his brewery to Mr Gottlieb Byerlein, a practical brewer, who will take possession as soon as an inventory can be made out. Mr B., is a No 1 workmen (workman), and intends to make an extra quality of beer. (The Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, January 29, 1885, Page 4)

Peter Iltis has recently finished a new brick barn on his Brewery property. It is a large structure and adds much to the value of that important property. (The Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, July 16, 1885, Page 4)

Peter Iltis, Brick barn at Brewery $1,200. (The Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, December 10, 1885, Page 4)