Reuben Melvin

Reuben Melvin was born July 14, 1844, in Burton, Ohio.

The 1860 United States census showed Reuben Melvin (age 17, born in Ohio) living with his parents Justin (age 45, born in Massachusetts, farmer) and Eliza (age 40, born in New York) in Burton, Geauga County, Ohio. His other siblings were Lewis (age 19, born in Ohio), Phoebe A. (age 15, born in Ohio), James (age 12, born in Ohio), Warren (age 9, born in Ohio), Merrit (age 8, born in Ohio), Alveritte (age 5, born in Ohio), and Lester L. (age 10 months, born in Ohio).

Reuben Melvin was married to Amelia C. Howe in Carver, Minnesota, on January 11, 1864.

The 1865 Minnesota census showed R. Melvin married to Amelia and living in Chaska, Carver County, Minnesota.

The subject of a new Hotel which has been talked of so long has finally been acted upon by our neighbor, Mr. Reuben Melvine, and he is now fitting up the Howe Place for a first class Hotel and Boarding House, which will be welcome news to the traveling public. (Valley Herald, Saturday, April 21, 1866, Page 1)

American House. Corner of Walnut and 3d Street, Chaska Minn. Having recently repaired and furnished the house throughout, with a view to convenience and comfort, respectfully solicit the patronage of my friends, and the traveling public. Good stabling attached, and attentive hostlers. Reuben Melvin, Proprietor. (Valley Herald, Saturday, July 7, 1866, Page 1)

The American House Mr. Melvin proprietor, closed some two weeks since. Mr. Melvin, we understand has purchased a farm in Mc Leod county, and designs moving upon it early in the spring. We shall part with Mr. Melvin with regret. (Valley Herald, Saturday, December 21, 1867, Page 1)

The 1870 United States census showed Robin Melvin (age 27, born in Ohio, works in brickyard) married to Emelia (age 30, born in Vermont) and living in Chaska, Minnesota. Children Evelin (age 5, born in Minnesota), Jennie (age 3, born in Minnesota), and Cora (age 6 months, born in Minnesota) also lived with the couple.

The 1875 Minnesota census showed Ruben Melvin (age 29, born in Ohio) married to Emilie (age 33, born in Ohio) and living in Chaska, Minnesota.  Children Elly (age 10, born in Minnesota), Jenny (age 7, born in Minnesota), Cohra (age 5, born in Minnesota), and Eva (age 2, born in Minnesota) also lived with the couple.

Reubin Melvin and W. H. Robbins are loading their barge with 100 cords of wood for St. Paul, shipped by Phillip Henk. (The Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, September 9, 1875, Page 4)

Messrs. Robbins & Melvin of this place have taken large contracts to cut and get out wood on the Main line of the St. P. & P. railroad, and have left for the vicinity of Waverley where they will Winter. The (They) say they have a good winter job. (The Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, November 25, 1875, Page 4)

Died. Saturday, September 23rd, 1876, Lester Melvin, brother of Reubin Melvin Esq. Mr. Melvin was taken sick some two weeks before his death with throat disease and suffered terribly until relieved by death. He was 17 years of age, and came to this village from Ohio in 1868. His widowed mother, brothers and sister have the sympathy of a large circle of friends. (The Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, September 28, 1876, Page 4)

Died Thursday night Jennie, daughter of Reuben and Amelia Melvin, aged 9 years. (The Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, November 16, 1876, Page 4)

Reuben Melvin lost another young daughter last week of diphtheria. She was three and a half years old. (The Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, December 7, 1876, Page 4)

Birth. On Monday March 4th a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Melvin. (The Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, March 7, 1878, Volume 16, Number 28, Page 4)

Our old friend and energetic townsmen Reubin Melvin, has built him a very near dwelling house in the eastern part of our village. Messrs Theo. Kenning and L. W. Noble were the mechanics in charge of the job. (The Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, May 1, 1879, Page 4)

Rube Melvin’s new house is about ready to move into. (The Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, May 29, 1879, Page 4)

The 1880 United States census showed Reubin Melvin (age 37, born in Ohio, brick maker) married to Amelia (age 40, born in Vermont) and living in Chaska, Minnesota).  Children Adella (age 15, born in Minnesota), Cora (age 10, born in Minnesota), and Effie (age 2, born in Minnesota) also lived with the couple.

Reuben Melvin was born in Burton, Geauga county, Ohio, in 1844.  His youth was spent in his native place, until the fall of 1861 when he enlisted in Company H, Twelfth Michigan; served one year and was honorably discharged at Cincinnati, Ohio.  In 1863 he came to Chaska, and has since been employed in making brick.  Married January 11, 1864, to Amelia C. Howe.  Four of their six children are living.  (History of the Minnesota Valley, Including the Explorers and Pioneers of Minnesota, Rev. Edward D. Neill, North Star Publishing Company, Minneapolis, 1882, Page 364)

Melvin and Barker, will put up large quantities of ice the coming winter. Send in your orders. (The Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, December 6, 1883, Page 4)

The 1885 Minnesota census showed Rueben Melvin (age 40, born in Ohio) married to Emelia (age 45, born in Vermont) and living in Chaska, Minnesota.  Children Cora (age 15, born in Minnesota), Effie (age 7, born in Minnesota), and Martin (age 4, born in Minnesota) also lived with the couple.

Mrs Eliza Melvin, died at her residence in Minneapolis, on April 28th, of inflammatory rheumatism aged 68. Mrs. Melvin resided here for many years, and moved to Minneapolis some years ago, in order to keep house for her son Warren, who resides there. She was a christian lady, and had a large circle of warm friends in Chaska. She was the honored mother of Reuben, Merritt and Warren Melvin, and leaves five sons and one daughter to mourn her death, and they have the condolence of the entire community in their affliction. The funeral from the Moravian Church on Monday afternoon was largely attended. (The Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, May 3, 1888, Page 4)

Reubin Melvin has gone into partnership with his brother Merritt, under the name and style of Melvin Bros. This makes a strong firm, and we wish them success. (The Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, March 12, 1891, Page 4)

The 1895 Minnesota census showed Reuben Melvin (age 50, born in Ohio, grocery) married to Amelia A. (age 55, born in Vermont) and living in Excelsior, Minnesota.  Children Effie J. (age 17, born in Minnesota) and Mertin R. (age 14, born in Minnesota) also lived with the couple.

We hear that Ruebin Melvin and Geo. H. Raitz will open up a Fancy Grocery store at Excelsior about June 1st. They have rented a store building from A. E. Apgar and hope to do a good business. They are good business men, honest and reliable and will prove a valuable acquisition to Excelsior. (Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, April 4, 1895, Page 1)

The 1900 United States census showed Reuben Melvin (age 55, born in July 1844 in Ohio, store keeper) married to Amelia (age 60, born in February 1840 in Vermont) and living in Dumont, Traverse County, Minnesota.  A daughter, Effie (age 22, born in February 1878 in Minnesota), also lived with the couple.

Ruben Melvin of Dumont, Traverse Co., Minn. Was the guest of his brother Merrit, last Saturday. Reuben is in the Merchantile (Mercantile) business at that place and has built up a large and profitable business. He was one of our pioneer citizens and has many friends here who were pleased to see him and learn of his good health and success. (Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, August 18, 1904, Page 4)

The 1910 United States census showed Reuben Melvin (age 67, born in Ohio, own income) married to Amelia M. (age 70, born in Vermont) and living in Frazee, Becker County, Minnesota.  They lived with their daughter, Effie J. (age 30, born in Minnesota) and their son-in-law Roy A.

The 1920 United States census showed Reuben Melvin (age 75, born in Ohio, own income, widowed) living in Minneapolis (Ward 13), Minnesota.  He lived with his son, Merton R. (age 39, born in Minnesota, dentist) and his wife Martha R. (age 30, born in Minnesota).

Reuben Melvin died on August 4, 1922, and is buried in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Chaska, Minnesota.

Reuben Melvin, Dead. Early Settler of Chaska Passed Away in Spokane, Wash., Aug. 4th. Word reached here Monday of the death of Reuben Melvin, an early day settler of Chaska, who passed away at the home of his daughter in Spokane, Wash., Friday, Aug. 4, 1922, at the age of 78. Reuben Melvin was a native of Burton, Ohio, where he was born in 1844. In early boyhood he drifted north into Michigan and when the Civil war opened enlisted in a Michigan regiment and went South, serving until mustered out in late ’62. Returning home he remained but a short time when he started for the Northwest with his brother John. John settled in Wisconsin while Reuben came further west and settled in the river town of Chaska. He entered the employ of Elisha Howe, pioneer brick maker and later engaged in like business with Fred Henning as partner. For several years he also acted as foreman for Lucien Warner. In the early nineties he was engaged in the mercantile business in company with this brother Merritt and after selling his interest went to Excelsior where he engaged in like business with George Raitz. He remained there several years and then sold out and moved to Dumont, Minn., where he entered the mercantile business with Jos. Mergens. This was in 1896 or ’97. Shortly after arriving in Chaska he was married to Emelia Howe, daughter of his employer, who passed away four years ago. He is survived by one son and three daughters, namely: Dr. Merton Melvin of Minneapolis, Mrs. Joseph Mergens of Canada, Mrs. Julius Kay of Spokane, Wash., and Mrs. Hartley, also of Washington. Besides his children he leaves one brother, Merritt Melvin of Moline, Ill., for many years one of our prominent merchants. The remains arrived here Tuesday morning and the funeral took place at two o’clock that afternoon from the Moravian church, the Rev. D. C. Helmich, officiating. Interment was in Mount Pleasant cemetery. Reuben Melvin is well remembered by our older residents, who esteemed him very highly. Another of the early day settlers of Chaska has been gathered to the fold. He served his country in her time of need, he lived a good and honorable life and has gone to a just reward. (Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, August 10, 1922, Page 1)