Mathias Iltis

The 1857 Minnesota census showed Mathias Iltis (age 54, born in Germany) married to Barbara (age 45, born in Germany) and living in Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota. Children Mary (age 21, born in Germany), Helesce (age 19, born in Germany), Mathias (age 16, born in Germany), Fredrick (age 15, born in Germany), Peter (age 13, born in Germany), and Carl (age 1, born in Minnesota) also lived with the couple.

Matthias Iltis will open a Hardware store and Tin shop in the new brick building just being completed by Philip Henk. The upper story to be used as a dwelling. (The Valley Herald, Saturday, May 20, 1865, Page 3)

Death of Mathias Iltis Sr. A telegram reached Chaska at 11 a. m., March 26, informing Peter Iltis, that his father, Mathias Iltis Sr., had died at the residence of his son, Mathias Jr., that morning of old age. Mr. Iltis was a native of Alsace, France (is this same as Krayenbuhl), was born Nov. 11th 1801, and was consequently over 84 years of age at the time of his death. He first came to Chaska in the year 1853, and pre-empted the claim on Yorkville Prairie, upon which he lived up to the death of his wife, which occurred several years ago; he returned to Illinois the same year, and returned to Chaska and moved upon his claim in 1854, having been a citizen of Minnesota continuously for 32 years, and in all that time we do not believe he made one enemy. He attended strictly to his own business, was just and upright in all his dealings with his neighbors and consequently maintained their affection and kindest regards to the last. His funeral on Friday brought together all the old settlers who were aware of his death and they testified their regard for their departed friend by attending the funeral in a body. The surviving children of Mr. Iltis were all present except Mrs. Chas. Henry, of Minneapolis, who was detained at home on account of sickness. The funeral sermon was preached by the Rev. Mr. Hillman, and commanded the attention of all. The Chaska Choir rendered some of their choice selections at the grave. Peace to his ashes. (The Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, April 1, 1886, Page 4)

Mr. Iltis (Mathias Jr.) was born in Alsace-Larraine, France, Febr., 4, 1840. At the age of 11 years he came to America with his parents and settled at Naperville, Ill. Four years latter (later), in 1855, he came to Minnesota, and settled at Yorkville Prairie, adjoining Chaska, on the east. At the outbreak of the civil war he tried to enter the ranks of the famous “First Minnesota Infantry,” but on account of a deformed foot was rejected, much to his chagrin. (The Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, July 10, 1902, Page 1)