John Karcher

The 1857 Minnesota census showed John Karcher (age 40, born in Germany) married to Mary (age 32, born in Germany) and living in Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota. Children Caroline (age 13, born in Germany), Johann (age 11, born in Germany), and Sophia (age 9, born in Germany) also lived with the couple.

Died. At his residence in Chaska, on Wednesday, Nov. 24th 1886, John Karcher, of general debility, aged 70 years. Thus one by one our old pioneer settlers are passing away, the ranks having grown preceptably (perceptibly) thinner the past year. The deceased settled on Yorkville Prairie in this township in the year 1853, thus having been a resident of this County for over 33 years. He was a hard working industrious farmer and had accumulated a moderate competency. He sold his farm in Yorkville some ten years ago, and moved to Chaska, where he has resided ever since. In 1864 he made a trip to Idaho, traveling overland. During his long residence in this County, deceased had formed a large circle of friends who testified their appreciation of his many virtues by attending his funeral in a body on Friday and who join us in extending their warmest sympathy to his bereaved wife and relatives in their affliction. (The Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, December 2, 1886, Page 4)