John G. Loy

George Loy married Pauline Wetzig on January 21, 1857, in Carver County, Minnesota.

John G. Loy (age 41, born in Germany) registered for the Civil War on October 9, 1863.

The 1870 United States census showed John Geo. Loy (age 48, born in Germany, laborer) married to Paulina (age 32, born in Germany) and living in Chaska, Carver County, Minnesota. Children Henry (age 11, born in Minnesota), George (age 10, born in Minnesota), Pauline (age 6, born in Minnesota), and Wilhelm (age 4, born in Minnesota) also lived with the couple.

The 1880 United States census showed John G. Loy (age 58, born in Germany, hotel keeper) married to Paulina (age 42, born in Germany) and living in Chaska, Carver County, Minnesota. Son William (age 14, born in Minnesota) also lived with the couple.

…John G. Loy, familiarly known as butcher Loy, north-east of section 8, adjoining the town site… (Page 358)

Death of John George Loy. We are informed by letter that John George Loy, one of the founders of Chaska, who settled here in 1853, died at his home at Spokane Falls, Washington, of typhoid pneumonia, on December 28th, 1893, aged 71. Deceased resided in the place from the time he settled here in 1853, until the year 1882, when he moved to Brainerd. He was one of the best known of our old settlers, and but for a number of unfortunate law suits would still have been one of our prosperous citizens. He leaves a wife and several sons, and all occupying prominent positions in business circles, in Minnesota, N. D., and Washington. We will give a more detailed sketch of his entire eventful career in our next issue. (The Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, January 4, 1894, Page 1)