Henry Moser

Henry Moser was born November 19, 1819.

The 1860 United States census showed Henry Moser (age 40, born in Switzerland, carpenter) married to Anna (age 31, born in Switzerland) and living in Chaska, Carver County, Minnesota. Children Henry (age 5, born in Minnesota) and Mina (age 2, born in Minnesota) also lived with the couple.

The 1870 United States census showed Henry Moser (age 50, born in Switzerland, farmer) married to Anna (age 40, born in Switzerland) and living in Chaska, Carver County, Minnesota. Children Henry (age 12, born in Minnesota), Wilhelmina (age 10, born in Minnesota), Mathilda (age 6, born in Minnesota), and George (age 1, born in Minnesota) also lived with the couple.

Chaska Township 115, Range 23. J P H Moser… (The Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, May 9, 1872, Page 5)

The 1880 United States census showed Henry Moser (age 60, born in Switzerland, farmer) married to Anna (age 50, born in Switzerland) and living in Chaska, Carver County, Minnesota. Children Mena (age 20, born in Switzerland) and George (age 11, born in Minnesota) also lived with the couple.

Farm for Sale. One Mile From Chaska. The undersigned offers his farm of 72 acres for sale, situated One Mile north of Chaska; with 50 acres under plow, the rest in meadow, timber and pasture. All of it is the very best of land. It will be sold at a bargain for cash, for particulars inquire of Henry Moser Propr. (The Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, April 12, 1883, Page 4)

Married. Henry Moser, Jr., formerly a resident of this town, was married at the city of Minneapolis last Friday to Miss Annie Ball of that city. Henry has the best wishes of a host of friends for a long and happy life. (The Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, April 19, 1883, Page 4)

Henry Moser, of this township has sold his farm of 77 acres to Mr. Prebe for $2800. Mr. Moser, we understand will move to Montana, with his son. (The Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, April 26, 1883, Page 4)

Died. Moser. At his home near Bristol, May 29th, Henry Moser Jr., aged 30 years. He was born in Chaska, Minn., and had been living several years in Day county. After some weeks of suffering he died of rheumatism of the heart. He leaves a wife and two children to mourn his loss. The funeral services were held May 31, at the school house in Bristol and were very largely attended. The sermon was by Rev. W. G. Dickenson, of Webster. He was then laid to rest in the Bristol cemetery. (We copy above from D. T. paper) (The Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, June 10, 1886, Page 4)

Henry J. P. Moser died February 20, 1892, in St. Paul, Minnesota.