Henry Jaspers

Henry Jaspers died at his elegant home in the township of Chaska, on Saturday morning, Dec. 4, 1897, of lung fever, aged 54 years 11 months and 10 days. Deceased was born in Gnadenhoven, Canton Sittart, Provinz Limberg, Holland, December 23rd, 1842. In May 1863, he landed in Carver County, and worked in and about Waconia, for three years, after that he moved to Chaska, where he married the widow of Adam Amerein, and assumed charge of the Yorkville farm. He was a hard worker and good manager and had built up one of the finest homes in the County, and with a competency was in a position to enjoy life as well as the next one. His first wife died some years ago, and he re-married. He is survived by his wife and two by his last, viz: Mary Schlagel, Annie Simons and Miss Katie Jaspers, and little Lizzie and Julia, by the last marriage, all of whom have the condolence of the community in their irreparable loss. He was an honored member of local branch No 559, of the C. K. of A., and the funeral was under their auspices, the order making a very striking appearance in their showy uniforms. Deceased carried an insurance of $2,000, in said order, which he made payable to his wife. The funeral took place Tuesday forenoon from the Guardian Angel Church, the Rev. Fr. Guido, officiating. The floral offerings were large, and the funeral discourse one of great feeling and eloquence. (The Weekly Valley Herald, Thursday, December 9, 1897, Page 5)